Sustainergy Welcomes New Worker-Owner, Joins City's New Energy Program


Sustainergy is very excited to welcome a new worker-owner onto the team – Kris Tanner! Kris worked in the food industry for many years. He eventually became so disillusioned with the blatant disregard for humanity, the last straw being a suggestion by a manager to spray poison on food waste being thrown in dumpsters. That day he quit his job. He eventually found out about Sustainergy and the union co-op movement from a friend and jumped at the chance to work with Sustainergy when a job opening became available. He has now been working with Sustainergy as a field manager and became a worker-owner as soon as he was able (after six months of employment). Kris has expressed how working for Sustainergy over the past year has been a holistically empowering experience – across many different parts of his professional and person life! We are so happy to have Kris as the newest worker-owner!

Sustainergy is very proud to announce that they will be working with the city of Cincinnati as part of the exciting Get Efficient program. A key part of the program will give residents a free web-based home energy assessment tool, access to extended financing and more to enable homeowners an affordable solution to make their homes more comfortable, lower their energy bill, and their carbon footprint all while increasing the value of their home. Learn more at Discover your energy savings potential with this survey!

Winter is coming! It's starting to get cold and that means things are kicking into full gear at Sustainergy. Their calendar is filling up fast, so if you want to take advantage of your FREE energy and insulation assessment – schedule it today!